23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramımız Kutlu Olsun

(Today is dedicated to children in Turkey as a national holiday “National Sovereignty and
Children’s Day”. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, presented April 23
to all the world’s children to emphasize that they are successor of the future.)

DURAVIS Oransal Kontrollü Pnömatik Pistonlu Vanalar



DURAVIS Oransal Kontrollü Pnömatik Pistonlu Vanalar
(DURAVIS Proportional Controlled Angle Seat Valves)

Ölçü: 1″, 11/4″, 11/2″, 2″BSP
Vana Gövdesi: SS 316
Çalışma Basıncı: 0-16 bar
Besleme Hava Basıncı: 3-7 bar
Besleme Elektrik: 24VDC, 4-20Ma Giriş




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